Welcome to New Parishioners

Welcome to St Edwards!

Moving to a new parish is not easy, and we hope that you will find all the information to help you find your feet quickly and easily. We want you to feel at home in the heart of our community. If you are new to the parish, please do fill in this form and return to us.

There are a few groups that keep the activities and events at St Edwards running smoothly. If you have questions contact us on here, or leave a message in the appropriate pigeon hole in the church hall.


St Barnabas Cluster

St Edward’s joined the St Barnabas Cluster at the end of September 2019 and we are now joined to all the other catholic churches in Milton Keynes. Please watch this space for more on the Cluster and the clergy.

The Cluster now has its collective website which links all the 6 parishes together. Go to this page

St Augustine’s page is here.



Weekly Rotas

There are rotas for many of the different parish groups. Please listen out for announcements or ask one of the Welcome Team to direct you to the group leaders.


Welcomers / Eucharistic Ministers / Readers / Children’s Liturgy / Money Counters / Refreshments / Garden / Cleaners


Mass Times

St Edward’s Mass Times

Thursday 10.00am, weekly refreshments after.

Sunday 10.00am, weekly refreshments after.

Regular Mass times across the St Barnabas Cluster (and nearby) but can be subject to change:

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


St Bede’s



Our Lady of Lourdes



St Edward’s


St Mary’s


St Edward’s


St Bede’s


St Mary’s



Christ the King



Christ the Cornerstone


5.00pm Confessions

5.30pm Vigil Mass




St Augustine’s Mass Times

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

8.30am Adoration/ Rosary






11.30am (Live streamed)


(2.00pm Polish Mass)




8.45am (Silent Adoration)


8.45am (Silent Adoration)

9.30am Mass

No Mass

(7.00pm Polish Mass)


6.00pm Adoration/ Confession





All Saints and St Thomas Aquinas, Bletchley Mass Times

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


St Thomas Aquinas


St Thomas Aquinas



All Saints


All Saints


All Saints


10.00am St Thomas Aquinas




All Saints

10.00am St Thomas Aquinas


All Saints



St Thomas Aquinas


Music at St Edwards

“He who sings,” said St. Augustine, “prays twice.” St Edward’s has a strong musical tradition and the music group has been running for a very long time, serving the liturgy on Sundays and other sacramental masses. Singing and intentful music adds to our worship to God and sung prayer expresses joy and happiness of our hearts because we have encountered Jesus. Sung prayer also helps the whole congregation actively participate together in the praise of God.

For the past 8 years there has been a Christmas Carol Service just before the Christmas Vigil Mass. This is led by John Lane and he often remarks that St Edward’s Christmas Choir performs world premiers of classics! Among the favourite pieces are O Holy Night and various pieces in German.

If you play an instrument, or just love to sing come and say hello to us! All levels are welcome!

Currently the music group practice Tuesday evenings 6.00pm and at 9.10am before Sunday mass.

Children's Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy runs every Sunday, except for the first Sunday of the month. Sessions follow the school academic terms and children can start attending from reception year until they make their First Holy Communion (usually by the end of Year 3). All our leaders are DBS checked by our Safeguarding lead Mary Ball, and are updated regularly. Leaders always work in pairs and childrens’ names are placed in a basket as they enter church, as by a way of a register.

The aim of Children’s Liturgy is to explain and explore the gospels in a child friendly way. There are opportunities for conversations about the gospel readings and a recap of what the children have remembered, followed by an activity. Children come out of the mass before the first reading, and return during the preparation of gifts.

We are always looking for new leaders, and you would be very welcome to join us! You do not need experience of working with young people, just an enthusiasm for introducing the gospel to the younger members of our parish. If you are interested please find Audra.


For information on Baptisms, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, RCIA, Weddings and Funerals, the Cluster Office has a ‘open house’ evening every Monday evening between 17.30pm-19.30pm where all the clergy and secretaries will be on hand to help with any administrative queries including bookings. Just pop in! No need to make an appointment.

Sacramental Classes are organised centrally by the Cluster Office. Notices are given when they start so look out for announcements! 


Events Committee

The Events Committee is run by several dedicated members of the parish. St Edwards hosts many events and activities throughout the year to bring together the community of the parish and also to raise funds for the parish. We also raise funds for many different causes, many as our Lenten Project.

For our younger members of the parish, we hold regular crafty sessions and recently we held a Christmas Movie afternoon. In the past we have had small pilgrimages to celebrate the feast day of St Edward the Confessor and our annual Passover Meal is always a big hit and well attended, showcasing traditional foods and an evening of history.

If you would like to volunteer for the Events Committee get in touch with Mary Fernando!


Pat has been arranging the flowers at St Edward’s since the Church was first built, and later joined by Tina. For special times of the year, an appeal for help is often made but at present there is a small team of a few ladies that arrange flowers on. Designs, flowers and colours are chosen by the individual, keeping in mind the season of the liturgy. Christmas and Eastertide require extra hands and volunteers are always welcome!

Over the years, little traditions have developed for example the poinsettia hedge in front of the tabernacle, baubles and flowers on the back wall, and the colour theme of red and gold at Christmas.

The last few years have seen flower demonstrations led by the flower power girls (!) to encourage others to enjoy flower and to try arranging themselves and 2018 sees the introduction of the Christmas demo/workshops. Keep an eye on the Events page for details and please do join in! 


The Gardening Group meet 10.00am every 2nd and 4th Saturday for an hour or so to keep the grounds neat and tidy! All are welcome, just turn up with your green fingers!

Money Matters

At St Edward’s we rely entirely on the support of our parishioners for the financial well-being of the Parish. Most parishioners support the parish through regular giving, by way of standing orders and numbered envelopes. This method allows us to record the donations easily and reclaim the tax paid by basic rate tax payers. See below regarding Gift Aid. We also have various fundraising events during the course of the year which allow us to support specific causes. From the monies we collect we are responsible for the upkeep of the church building, our Parish Priest and Diocesan costs.

Gift Aid Declaration When we receive financial support from a UK tax payer the Chancellor of the Exchequer will refund to us the basic rate tax paid on that donation. If you donate to St Edward’s, please ask to sign a Gift Aid Declaration so that your money can be traced. All details are kept in strict confidence, according to the new GDPR guidelines brought out in early 2018. This is an invaluable source of ‘free’ income to the Parish. If you are able to, complete this Gift Aid Declaration and send it back to us here at St Edward’s.

Supporting the Parish In some religious traditions there is a recommendation of how much of one’s income should be donated to the Parish. We absolutely recognise every person’s situation is different. We ask that you give what you can in the knowledge that your contributions will be most appreciated and carefully spent. Many support us with their time and skills – this is just as valuable as financial support.

John Lane – Accounts

Cormac Marum – Collections and Banking

Des Conway –

Hospital Chaplaincy

If you or know of somebody that is in hospital, or have an emergency with a relative, please contact the Milton Keynes Hub Chaplain Service on    01908 996 062. 

The Hospital Chapel is located in the Blue Zone, on Level Two. This is the link to the hospital chaplains’ page and a little video describing their service.

The on-call chaplain can be reached via the hospital switchboard out of hours on 01908 660033.


Mary Ball is our Parish Safeguarding Representative. Her responsibility is to promote good and safe practices in all activities that involve our children, young people and vulnerable adults.

We follow directions from the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission and also the Diocese of Northampton Safeguarding Office.

If you have any concerns please contact Mary Ball.

Our Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator can be reached on 01604 723514 or 07833 050628.

In emergencies, call 999 (Police Emergency) or 101 (Non-Urgent).